You submit a proposal for a job. Your competitor uses the same labor rates, time estimates, and profit percent. They win the job by proposing to do it in significantly less time and for less money. How is this possible? This easy-to-read white paper presents you with this problem…and walks you through the answer. You will learn how operations managers create efficient processes that give them a market advantage.

This 2024 edition covers commercial archaeology in the U.K. A joint effort by Landward Research and Heritage Business International, it provides size data in both nominal and real pounds for the U.K. heritage compliance sector from 1998 through 2023. The six-page report includes summary statistics, graphs, and a data table with annual pound amounts and annual rates of change. An annual growth forecast is provided for the next five years (through 2028).

This 2024 edition of our annual report provides size data in both nominal and real dollars for the United States heritage compliance sector from 1971 through 2023. The 15-page report includes summary statistics, a breakdown by geographic region and client industry, graphs, and a data table with annual dollar amounts and annual rates of change. Notes are included throughout the report to make understanding these data easier for readers. An annual growth forecast is provided for the next five years (through 2028).

This 2024 edition of our annual report provides size data in both nominal and real dollars for the Canadian heritage compliance sector from 2006 through 2023. The eleven-page report includes summary statistics, graphs, and a data table with annual dollar amounts and annual rates of change. An annual growth forecast is provided for the next five years (through 2028). The report also includes industry size breakdowns by province and client industry. Notes are added throughout the report to help readers interpret these data.

This is the report for the Q2 2024 survey of U.S. office managers for organizations providing heritage and historic preservation industry products and services. It reports on whether office managers think that their invoice or revenue totals will increase, decrease, or stay the same for the next quarter, in six months, and in a year. It is the only forward-looking market survey for the heritage industry. The 16-page report includes sentiment indices at the national and regional levels, trends, graphs, historical data, and commentary.

This is the report for the Q3 2022 survey of Canadian office managers for organizations providing heritage services. It reports on whether office managers think that their invoice totals will increase, decrease, or stay the same for the next quarter, in six months, and in a year. It is the only forward-looking market survey for the heritage industry in Canada. The 14-page report includes sentiment indices at the national and regional levels, graphs, trends, historical data, and commentary.