In their book titled Sales Management:  Analysis and Decision Making, Thomas Ingram et al. establish trust-building as a foundation of effective salespeople. Trust-building has five components:  client orientation, competence, dependability, candor, and compatibility. The most important, and the one that heritage professionals have the greatest...

This 2020 edition of our annual report (covering 2019) provides data on the internal financial structure of heritage organizations in the United States. Heritage organizations are not structured in the same way as those in the larger and more complex architectural, engineering, planning and environmental industries. In the past, there has never been a way for heritage organizations to benchmark themselves against peer organizations. This report from our third financial performance survey now provides these data to heritage organizations. The 45-page report includes the background context, survey sampling information, performance statistics, annual change, graphs, and a data summary table.  Major categories include gross sales, subcontracting, gross margin, contracting, labor, client retention, cost of capital, and debt. Most major categories are broken down into subcategories.

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